New Year’s resolutions, goals versus affirmations, your One Word for the year’s theme? Which, if any, of these would I decide to “try” for the year?
It was this time in January 4 years ago. As I pondered how I would move forward into 2025, I had to shake my head and then giggled.
Photos of the grandchildren as superheroes had just come up in my Facebook shared moments. My husband Chris (Pawpaw) had created his signature Happy New Year’s card by combining those moments when they were transformed from ordinary to super POW.
While the photos captured the crusaders’ adventures from various years (as early as 2007), they seem to have reflected a common theme.
It wasn’t that each of them was TRYING to be a superhero. They genuinely BELIEVED that they were capable of flying or swimming the depths of the sea or whatever it took to save the day.
They weren’t hesitant to leap tall buildings (or off couches, tables or beds) in a single bound or maneuver their supermobiles around obstacles with their spidey sense. They stayed kind of still, just doing their ordinary day-to-day...until they heard the call, then took action and momentum took over.
Could I enlist that same deep belief in my capabilities, tune into my intuition and confidently be in motion when nudged?
Yes I can!
So I decided that my 2025 Word/Phrase would be Unhurried Momentum.
(Who knew that the grandkids would show it to me. Following our meandering family memories even helps uncover next steps along our personal and spiritual growth path, right?!)
Whether it will lead to a shift in how I’m moving my body, connecting with family, or mentoring others in capturing memories that matter...I’ll let you know the ways it plays out.
What’s your New Year’s resolution/theme and where can you imagine it may lead you? I’d love to hear! ❤️
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