Memories to Legacy

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He was the one in charge of the operation. “Sweep those into a pile over here, those into a pile over there, and the others can be in two piles on that side of the patio. Then we’ll sweep them all into one giant pile and push them into the grass. OK, Gramma? GO!”

It was 2015 and Grandson Oliver was over for a school night sleepover, a never before scheduled event. To say he was super excited was a definite understatement.

From the moment he flew out of his Mom’s car in our driveway, jumping into a pile of leaves was the only thing on his mind. Since his yard only had a couple of small maple trees, the ancient oak in our neighbor’s front yard and the huge gum (“spikey ball tree” to Oliver) in our backyard were magnetic to this 5 year old boy.

Oliver and I headed to our backyard to check out the possibilities for some fall foliage fun!

His plan was a sound one, and we began. As we swept in tandem rhythm, Oliver confidently shared “I’m really good at organization of things, aren’t I Gramma? Let’s get it done before Pawpaw gets home and it gets dark, cause I want to run and jump right in!”

We were just finishing as my husband Chris came out with his camera to catch the excitement.

Oliver ran as far away from the leaf pile as the backyard allowed and then zoomed toward it at warp speed. Camera clicking, Pawpaw captured the full sequence…the run, the leap, the landing, the covering over to hide beneath, the peeking out, the popping up, the tossing in the air.

The repeating over and over until it was too dark to see what had been a great way to spend a few Fall hours together making memories!

In the midst of it all, it seemed as if God’s voice broke through to encourage my sometimes hesitant heart:

“Where you’ve been hiding out and covering over some parts of the story behind your photos, just pop on out. There’s lots of fun to be had with those I’ve brought your way, to experience life alongside, to share your stories with. Just beLEAVE, that is BELIEVE in Me to lead the way and be willing to be vulnerable.

 Feeling ready enough or not, 1, 2, 3…JUMP IN! I’m waiting to catch you.”


Let’s challenge each other to let more of our true nature come out of hiding in more genuine jottings. Are you up for being more visible & authentic in your mini-stories, my sentimental sisters?

Your loved ones & future generations of family will be so thankful that you let them see the “real you” and feel how you’ve uniquely experienced life’s moments that matter!

That’s why I’m excited to announce my upcoming 4 week Small Group Program, which will help you do just that and be LOTS of FUN:

Capturing Moments That Matter…

Jotting Mini-Stories Behind Family Photos, with Ease

This 4 week online program for 12 women will be starting in November and registration will open soon. In the 4 Modules we’ll be covering:

*Prioritize Your Storyjotting Goals with the Moments That Matter Sorting System

*Uncover the Heart of the Story using the Memory Mapping Process

*Express your personal essence & family uniqueness with PhotoScribing writing techniques

*Preserve your family’s legacy of memories & connection through PhotoStory Collaging

There will be 4 weeks of online training with 4 Zoom group calls (and opportunities for individual coaching on your mini-stories). By the end of the 4 weeks, you’ll have at least 12 mini-stories to share with your loved ones…just in time for the Holidays!

If this sounds like something you'd like to learn more about to see if it's a good fit for you, I'll be happy to connect with you… 

Click the Button below to schedule a complimentary

Jumpstart Your StoryJottings Chat today!

JOYfully jotting,


Family PhotoStory Organizer

Mini-Stories Writing Coach

Your Legacy of Memories Mentor

Capturing Moments that Matter…

Energizing & Connecting Families for Generations!