Memories to Legacy

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It’s Springing Forward Time again as our bodies adjust to the loss of an hour of sleep this week.

At this point back in 2017 bright yellow daffodils were doing their part to brighten our spirits. I was welcomed into our Terrace Drive yard by bunches of them opening up like umbrellas over the lower level of first bloomers, the crocuses.

When grandson Lincoln excitedly pointed out the patch of kid-sized “flower cups” in his front yard, a similar scene floated back from my memory bank.

His mom Sara had helped me plant flower bulbs in our tiny Mt. Lookout garden of mostly ivy and had much to say about the golden blossoms when they poked through to elbow height.

The warmer temperature over the weekend had broken open the earliest buds on flowering trees around our neighborhood. It was as if the branches had been dusted with sparkly snowflake confetti.

Then the temperature took a nose dive and soon everything was covered in white as snow flurries and wind squalls blew in. Well, that put a chill in the air and in our home. I covered the plants with sheets overnight to provide some protection. Keeping my fingers crossed that the usual second wave of later season daffodils would still arrive unharmed, I snuggled under a cozy throw and remembered some of the early Spring scenes I had experienced with my folks.

One was in Maryville, Tennessee where they lived after Dad retired from his dental practice. Each year, they loved to take a walk through a neighbor’s field of yellow. Like most things from years past, my recollection of the golden expanse of daffodils seemed much larger than these photos captured.

Nonetheless, the cozy feelings of having had many shared Springtime moments with loved ones (past and present) warms my heart good.

Take that, bloomin’ Spring!


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