Memories to Legacy

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How many days until Christmas? How many gifts yet to be purchased, wrapped, delivered? Seems like I’m going through the motions of making it through this season with my heart in low gear. Like I’m in a daze and life is moving all around me without me actually being fully there.

So where am I instead?

And where am I going?

Really, I just NEED to know what’s ahead!!

 I slow to a stop...

The entrance onto the interstate has just disappeared into a bank of fog and then just as suddenly, reappears with clear vision all around.

What I come upon first in the lane ahead of me is a local plumbing company’s truck with JOLLY in capital letters.

As I recognize their logo, I have to chuckle at God’s perfectly timed whisper to my holidazed heart:

“You know I’ll meet you where you are. So I decided to stop you in the midst of getting off track with too much mind chatter and soul-searching and not enough merriment-making.

J = Just

O = Open your heart to

L = Love and

L = Laughter

Y = Yes?!

Lighten up and enjoy the gifts I have for you this Holly Jolly Christmas

  • in the joy of giving imperfect gifts to others

  • in spending time with those you sometimes annoy but who love you anyway (or vice versa)

  • and especially in the receiving of the Christ Child once again.

It truly IS the best time of the year, eh?!”


If you’re a bit holidazed too, I’d love to support you in recognizing God’s voice breaking through in the midst of the hustle and bustle.

No matter where you are or what you’re doing, Spirit WILL find a way to connect with you…in a unique-to-you way that may not make sense or be apparent to anyone else. How fun is that?!

Let’s chat about how to start jotting down these God-connected Moments as a part of your mini-story collection of give a more complete, authentic picture of how you experience life and what truly matters to you!

HAPPY HOLIDAZE to you! 🎉🎄🎅🎁

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JOYfully jotting,


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Mini-Stories Writing Coach

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Capturing Mini-Moments that Matter…

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