Jotting Down the Stories of Your Moments That Matter Most

6 week online Mini-Stories Creation program

with an intimate small group of sentimental moms and grammas

We know we don’t have all the time in the world. One day our parents and grandparents won’t be able to tell us what we REALLY want to know about their lives.

And one day we won’t be around to share snippets of our own life that we’ve just been holding in our heads…waiting until someday.

Someday is NOW…It’s Time to Set Your Memories FREE



~Have you hesitated, feeling it would be time-consuming and overwhelming to decide which stories to capture?

~Perhaps you’ve worried that nobody in your family would care to read what you might write about your life.

~Maybe you think you need to get all your photos organized before you can start jotting any stories down.

Now there’s a simple and fun framework for curating and preserving moments that matter most with a more playful sense of child-like wonder and curiosity. It’s a refreshingly freeing way to do Life Story differently.

Introducing MINIMALIST MEMOIRS, where you’ll learn strategies and techniques for taking bite-sized action in the time you DO have available. You’ll prioritize those Moments That Matter Most To You and get those captured the way YOU want them expressed.

What’s Your Life Story?

You’ve lived and loved your way through decades of experiences, conversations, places and emotions. You’ve learned and lost and shared and stuffed. There are so many facets to your story. It can’t be contained in only one life story, no matter how lengthy.

It’s made up of a multitude of mini-stories…and it’s time to be collecting yours, one Moment That Matters at a time. It’s time to let go of the guilt you’ve been feeling over not preserving ALL the photos and ALL the stories and ALL the stuff. It’s time to curate your Minimalist Memoirs.

There’s more to a Life Story than what photos and memorabilia can capture…

and only YOU know how to express that

NOT ALL of your memories carry equal Heart Value.

I’ll help you uncover those HeartStories

that light you up, crack you up or choke you up

and express those, with ease and in your unique way!

You’ll end up with your curated collection of Minimalist Memoirs.

Together they provide a collage of the snippets of life that make up YOU.

What could be more fun, fulfilling, and empowering?



Design by grandson Lincoln Foltz ♥️

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It’s overwhelming…you’re surrounded by photo chaos and SO MANY memories! Don’t you wish you knew what to do first?

With the Moments That Matter Sorting System, you’ll have just what you’ve been looking for. At last, you’ll be able to decide where to begin!

*Clarifying your StoryJotting goals and vision

*Busting writer’s block and other resistance keeping you spinning

*Starting your Meandering Moments Memory List for mini-story success


As you start jotting down the stories behind some of your life experiences, memory flow may lead to other possibilities.

The Memory Mapping Process provides gentle structure so you’ll always be uncovering and capturing what matters most to you at this time.

*Following the flow of memory to the Heart of the Story

*Staying true to your memory keeping WHY

*Decision-making by tuning into Heart-Touched sensations

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“But, I’m NOT a Writer, remember??”

You’ll learn to express your personal essence and family uniqueness with ease, using simple StoryScribing writing techniques.

*4 facets of a fabulous mini-story

*Creating stories that are fun and fulfilling to jot AND interesting for your loved ones to read

*The 3R Result that ripples into more energized, deeper family connection, now and for generations


You may be wondering “So, what do I do with these mini-stories now that I’ve started jotting them down?” We’ll explore the most fun part of all: Sharing your storyjotting creations!

*Collecting & storing your first mini-stories as you add to them

*How to simply share your HeartStories with your loved ones

*Options to preserve your mini-story collection so it lasts as a legacy of family memories and connection for generations

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Sound like this is for you?



  • Learning how to use the 4 phase Minimalist Memoirs framework to catch, uncover, express and share personal and family moments that matter most to you.

  • A clear roadmap through the mini-story writing process. You’ll create at least 10 mini-stories to start sharing with your family, and enjoy over and over!

  • 6 1 hour LIVE, interactive Group StoryCoaching calls on Zoom.

  • Access to all pre-recorded course materials and Live Group Call recordings.

  • Peace of mind and a sense of confident fulfillment knowing that moments that matter most to you are being captured the way you want them expressed and that you’ve begun a curated Minimalist Memoirs Collection of mini-stories that will be reminisced around now and keep your family close for generations!

What’s Been Said…

“Katie Chambers clears the clutter of your photos. She helps you mine the gold and gems of memories, turning them into stories you’ll treasure for generations.” ~ Kathy Koenig, Caregiver Connection

“Katie - the Memory Queen! Katie’s inspiration flows and takes me along on a journey into my own life!  She’s helped me see the value of and richness of family love -  makes it easy and fun to document!” ~ Elise Lorraine, Vocal Colour

“Katie has played a major part in my discovering and writing my stories. It is not as hard as I always thought and she shares simple strategies that really resonated with me. I assure you, with Katie's help it becomes so much easier and I highly encourage you to check out her offerings! I simply am a huge fan.” ~ Chantal Imbach, Photos in Order


“My favorite thing about this work is hearing how multiple generations of families are connecting and having fun together as they contribute to and reminisce around their StoryBooks. They now have something tangible to unite around, over and over again and then pass on.” ~ Katie Chambers

Your StoryJotting Mentor

Katie Chambers is a memory keeping writing coach who specializes in helping sentimental Moms and Grammas capture personal and family moments that matter...resulting in energized, more deeply connected families for generations.

With her unique approach to Family PhotoStory Curating, she teaches a step-by-step mini-story writing system so her clients set memories free, jot down MORE of the STORY than photos are capturing, build a curated collection of moments that matter and leave a fulfilling legacy of memories and family connection, with ease.

Katie is a certified teacher of curriculum based on the Turning Memories into Memoirs program and PhotoScribe method of the Memoir Lifestory Network. She has been facilitating Jottings for Generations workshops and mini-retreats for 20 years as well as leading on-line group programs and mentoring private mini-story writing clients.

So if you’re ready to preserve your personal and family moments in a light-hearted way that’s energizing, fun and deeply fulfilling without it taking forever or stressing you out, let’s get started!

JOYfully jotting,


Memories to Legacy

Capturing Mini-Moments That Matter…

Energizing & Connecting Families for Generations!