So much to choose from, and they all sounded delicious.
I’ve never had an easy time deciding what to order from a menu, especially when it’s the first time trying out a new-to-me restaurant.
When a friend invited me for an impromptu brunch a couple of years ago (thanks again Julie!), I agreed with a grateful okey dokey. Off we drove to Sleepy Bee Cafe in Oakley, a Cincinnati suburb, where we had a delightful time of conversation and light, flavorful omelettes.
As we were leaving I noticed a wall-ful of colorful glass tiles and snapped a shot to remember our fun outing together.
Each individual tile was beautiful on its own. However, the impact intensified when gathered into a collection, leaving me with an overall impression of Sleepy Bee that just one tile wouldn’t have given. Colors, phrases & other design elements added to the big picture, and drew my eye all around. I kept noticing things I hadn’t at first glance.
That’s how I feel about Family Memory StoryCollaging. Capturing this moment and that moment and another into a jottings collection gives a more complete and authentic view of what’s making us and our families who we are.
It’s like this wall mural in my daughter’s home from a few years ago. Each of the five beautiful photos (thanks to Photographer: Christy Arias, showed an individual moment of family life, but when mounted and seen all together it just “feels like them”!
Photographer: Christy Arias,
I love starting with one moment in my family’s life and jotting down a brief story that goes with it, with or without photos. Sometimes that reminds me of something similar that I experienced in my childhood or when our children were young, so there’s another story tile. When it seems I’m going off on a tangent, usually something juicy comes out of it and is added to the collage.
It’s fun to preserve family memories in this free-flowing way and the synergistic result seems to be more than the sum of its parts. The memory collage provides a broader view of our families as seen over time, without getting bogged down by sticking to any chronological timeline.
Best of all, I’ve found that this approach to reminiscence keeps it more interesting and energizing, both for those of us doing the jotting and for those we’d like to enjoy reading our family stories. You never know what combination of moments might flow together into your next collage.
I’d love to support you as you continue building your Legacy of Family Memories today! If you’d like to learn how to get started, put the word COLLAGE in the Comments or Schedule a complimentary Jumpstart Your StoryJottings Chat!
JOYfully jotting,
Family PhotoStory Organizer
Mini-Stories Writing Coach
Your Legacy of Memories Mentor
Capturing Mini-Moments That Matter…
Energizing & Connecting Families for Generations!