As our Memories to Legacy Community of joyfully jotting Moms and Grammas continues to grow, I want to welcome those of you who have joined us recently…and let those of you who’ve been with us a while know HOW much I appreciate your participation!
I’m eager to continue providing you with reminiscence tips and tidbits of inspiration in these weekly Blog Posts and am excited to get to know you more through your comments…so post away! ✍️
So many memories…so little time.
Is that how you feel about beginning to capture your family’s memories? No worries, it doesn’t take long to begin building your Legacy of Memories. Here’s one way to get started today…
You love the experience of being a family
and want to remember every little bit of it, right?
What if you chose a couple of photos from all those you took in the past few weeks. (I’m presuming you do this too!) Pick the ones that capture some emotions within you that you’d like to remember.
Don’t spend time thinking about this. Just pick what lights you up or chokes you up with laughter or tears. Doesn’t need to make sense to your logical mind or to anyone else who might look at those particular photos.
Then jot down a bit of a “story”. Just briefly capture what was going on and how it made you feel in the moment.
That’s it…You’ve just begun your Legacy of Memories!
Doesn’t matter where you wrote or typed your jottings. All that matters is that you started. You’ve taken the steps that lead to what memories are made of…you not only captured a few facts of the situation, but you also added those all important feelings that reveal your unique-to-you experiencing of that moment.
That’s what makes your jottings into something that, when shared, can energize and connect your family now as well as be passed on for future generations to enjoy!
In upcoming posts we’ll also explore lots of fun options for collecting and sharing what your heart wants your loved ones to hear from you. For now, way to go! And thanks for joining me here.
Who knows what a difference we can make within our families when we move from just-in-our-own-head memories into legacy building!
Looking forward to hearing how this first step goes for you…💕
And if you’d like my free step-by-step Guide with a bit more detail, click HERE for 3 Simple Steps: Start Your Family Mini-Stories Collection. It’s a great framework to jumpstart going from a memory to creating a legacy...a collection of family moments you can reminisce around with family now & preserve for future generations to enjoy.
This is the perfect time to start capturing and sharing more of your family’s moments & stories, before the memories fade. Your family will be giddy with excitement to reminisce together around the next addition to your mini-story collection!
~But HOW do you do the actual jottings in a way that expresses those snippets of life YOUR way from YOUR unique way of experiencing them...and still be interesting for others to read?
~And HOW do you NOT get bogged down in capturing memories that DON”T REALLY MATTER to you?
~Most importantly, how do you share your mini-story collection with your loved ones as you’re building it and how can you preserve it as your family legacy of memories and connection?
My upcoming small group program CAPTURE YOUR MOMENTS: Jotting Mini-Stories Behind Family Photos, With Ease will help carry you through the next parts of your mini-story jottings journey.
Starts February 15th
~4 weeks ~12 mini-stories~12 spots
Could CAPTURE YOUR MOMENTS be the ideal next step for you? 📷🖊️ 📕
Click HERE for Details & the Button below to schedule a complimentary
Jumpstart Your StoryJottings Chat
JOYfully jotting,
Family PhotoStory Organizer
Mini-Stories Writing Coach
Your Legacy of Memories Mentor
Capturing Moments That Matter…
Energizing & Connecting Families for Generations!