You know that excitement you feel when you’re barely awake, you look outside and see snow flurries? Hope fills your heart that maybe, just maybe, school (or work) will be called off and you can enjoy a whole day of FUN, doing what brings you delight!
Yesterday was just such a snow-flakey day here in Northern Kentucky. It started off with great potential for an awesome Snow Day, but it didn’t amount to enough snow before it dwindled out into ice pellets.
But today’s sunrise over the remaining snow from last week’s eight inches prompted my snow day memories to flow. Soon moments were being connected through time and place, all around my experiences in the cold white stuff.
Sunrise after a snow day... I think I've always loved the stillness & crispness of a wintry morning. Maybe because that's when I had a lot of "just Dad & me" moments over the years, especially the slippery car rides up & down our neighborhood hill checking out the beauty of sunrise through snow-covered trees.
It’s 1950-something. Dad awakens me before dawn and invites me to join him in the adventure of exploring the snow-covered neighborhood. He drives swervingly (on purpose) up Linville Hill, giggling “Uh-oh, watch out! Don’t know if we’ll make it all the way to the top…Nope, we’re sliding back down!” Over & over again, as the first and only ones out on the road.
Then, when we’ve finally made it over the crest of the hill, he pulls over to our special spot in the woods and grabs the flashlights to lead me into the experience of leaving our side-by-side footprints in freshly fallen snow. It is a breath-taking moment, one that never gets old.
I can still picture myself there, feel the sensations of cold breeze on my cheeks and flakes on my eyelashes blurring my vision as the sun broke through, revealing a powder blue sky.
I can hear our boots crunching through the top layer, leaving evidence that we’d been there TOGETHER! We cherished those times and many others of going into the unknown together, even into his last years.
Dad’s birthday and snow memories...they seem to go hand in (snow) glove.
Here’s to you, Dad and THANKS for the sweet memories that are being shared through this and other mini-stories with two more generations of family. Now they’ll get to see their great Grandpa Barker as a real person they would have enjoyed knowing! 💕
What snow day memories connect the dots through time and place to those you love? Let’s get those jotted down, shared with family, and added to your mini-stories collection. I’m here to help ~
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